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QUALITY COMPACT PRODUCT! 18 DIFFERENT Colorful Interactive Illustrated Cards! Pull off to reveal illustrated answers! (We used 32 dots of velcro to make this set of interactive fun learning!)
Our other Wh-Question Sets have long been Best Sellers. Now we offer A FUN INTERACTIVE WAY TO APPROACH TEACHING WH-Type Questions!
EACH SpeechPage covers one type of WH-QUESTION!
You get THREE HEAVY DUTY LAMINATED SpeechPages in this set!
Example of questions include an illustration of corn field and the question: "WHERE do students eat lunch at school?" The card can be lifted off of the velcro to reveal the illustrated answer: "In the cafeteria!"
-Answer WH-Question -The client may go through them one by one and answer the question presented then pull off the card to reveal the intended answer!
-Match the ANSWER to the QUESTION - Remove all the cards (or do this activity after completing type 1) and allow the client to choose one card at a time and try to determine which of the answers on the SpeechPage matches the question!
-Go over the extra NINE WH- Questions on every SpeechPage related to the illustrated scene. Create even more questons on your own!
-WH- Questions are also useful to prompt for sentence level speech samples.
SpeechPages are designed to fit easily into your therapy life!
If you have an ordinary 3-ring binder you are well on your way to building your SpeechPage
Speech Therapy Materials resource kit! The more SpeechPages you add the better prepared you will be! And it will be easier to transport and store them than most of the other materials you have!
Suggestions only. Suitability for use depends on many factors and must be determined by a qualified professional.