October 22, 2023 @ 1:58 PM
IDIOMS: Fun & Funny & Important!
Beyond the “Silly”! Ideas & Examples Of How To Teach Your Child The Real Meanings Of Idioms!
By: Don D’Amore MA CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist
Do you know a child who hears an idiom phrases such as “That’s a piece of cake” and they start to ask you: “Where is the cake?” Or maybe they are wondering how a person could possibly fit in a jar when they hear someone say the idiom: “She’s in a pickle”. If they are asking about it, that is usually a good thing! Asking about things means your child wants to learn more! Let’s talk about fun ways to teach the real meanings of idioms to your child by ......
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November 17, 2019 @ 10:13 PM
Teaching IF/THEN Type Problem Solving As An Essential Life Skill! Ideas and Examples Of What To Teach!
By: Don D’Amore MA CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist
Being able to problem-solve is one the most important skills anyone can have because it can lead to solutions for everything else! If/Then type problem solving/thinking runs through our minds all day. For example: when you are about to go out to see a movie, your mind will probably automatically go through some if/then type problem solving as you think about avoiding any issues. Examples: “IF it could be cold in the theater, THEN I better bring a sweater,” “IF my movie is sold out, THEN I should think ......
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July 14, 2019 @ 7:33 PM
Predicting Problems As a Life Skill: Better Decisions, Better Life!
By: Don D’Amore MA CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist
About Me: In addition to working as a full-time Speech Language Pathologist for a large school district for over 25 years, I have also worked at the same time as a part-time SLP in the evenings serving group homes for adult individuals with developmental disabilities. Much of my work with adults, teens, tweens, and with some of my younger clients involved working on language as a life skill.
Problem-Solving is an essential life skill! Giving your client opportunities to practice with you at making their best daily life decisions, (while also guiding them to making better choices), helps them to learn ............
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April 28, 2019 @ 5:44 PM
Social Language: The Benefits Of Using the Magic Words “Please” “Thank You” and “Sorry”!
By: Don D’Amore MA CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist
Picture this scenario: You are a young child and you see your caregiver with a plate of your favorite treat. You might blurt out “Can I have a cookie?” The adult then prompts you with: “You didn’t use the Magic Word.” You quickly rephrase your request: “May I PLEASE have a cookie? ...PLEASE!!” We grow up learning that using the “polite words” of “please,” “thank you” and “sorry” makes our social language interactions go ......
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February 17, 2019 @ 3:23 PM
February 17, 2019
Communicating Better!
Using AAC & Visual Communication Symbols To Teach Expressive Communication!
By: Don D’Amore MA CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist
There was a phrase I heard when I first started working as an educator many years ago: “We learn to read, so we can read and learn!” (We also know that students are still learning while they are at the same time learning to read.) I think of expressive language in a similar way for our students who are showing less verbal communication than their typically developing peers. We use strategies of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) to assist the person who is......
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January 26, 2019 @ 7:19 PM
January 26, 2019
Understanding Daily Routines Better With Picture Symbols: The Amazing Powers Of A Picture Schedule!
By: Don D’Amore MA CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist
Consider the stress felt on your first day at a new job. So many things are new and unpredictable! Whether a person has a disability or not, stress comes when there is the uncertainty of not knowing key aspects in our day: where we will be, what we will be doing, how long we are doing it and/or what is coming next. After a short time our stress lessons as we follow our routines with the images and memories of our new schedule in our mind. We also think about and imagine possible solutions to disruptions in our day. The .........
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November 4, 2018 @ 1:45 PM
In my experiences, strategically using sequential picture cards (SPCs) is one of the most powerful and versatile tools for speech and language therapy. Most clients really enjoy working with SPCs as they are easy use, fun, interactive puzzles! As SLPs we realize that purposefully engaging the client in talking about the storyline of the SPCs is a gateway to multiple language-learning opportunities! Once you put mixed SPCs down in front of the client, it is natural for them to want to arrange them in the proper order! They are already using their reasoning skills to determine the sequential order. Whether the client arranges them correctly or ......
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November 4, 2018 @ 1:40 PM
I am Don D’Amore MA CCC-SLP, creator, writer, (and Illustrator!) of all things SpeechPage.

I am an ASHA certified, practicing Speech Language Pathologist with ‘decades’ of experiences working with clients of all ages and all types of abilities and disabilities. I routinely present on SLP topics at various conferences. My deepest professional passion, and what I feel is the most important thing I can do with my abilities, is to “Help Others Help Others!”
I love being an SLP. I also feel blessed that I have the ability to draw fun illustrations that other people seem to really enjoy. (If I wasn’t an SLP, I would have wanted to be a cartoonist!)&......
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February 10, 2017 @ 11:04 AM
I drew this Cartoon a few years ago, and it got such a great response on Facebook!
So many SLPs related to the fact that it seems the focus is trending towards the interaction with technology instead of directly communicating with each other.
Best Regards,

Are you an SLP concerned with the over-use of "SCREEN-TIME" with your clients? At SpeechPage.com we provide FUN, HANDS-ON, Ready-Made and Ready-To-Use INTERACTIVE Speech & Language learning materials! So if you are working on TALKING instead of Texting check out our variety of POPULAR topics and SAVE TODAY with this online code!
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