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Whether your client is an older student or an adult with a language disability,
these Life Skill Personal Problem Solving Questions SpeechPages are designed to be used in your therapy sessions to prompt discussion and Functional learning through the
situational problems presented, each with an illustrations of items from everyday life scenarios! IF/THEN set up of Situations!
Problem situations are all in the context of IF this happens THEN what might the client do next?
The follow up discussion might include what could happen if they do not do the solution!
TWO SpeechPages focus on PERSONAL SAFETY Topics
(i.e. IF... You notice that the leg of a chair is broken, THEN you should...)
TWO SpeechPages focus on PERSONAL HYGIENE Topics
(i.e. IF... Your feet small bad, THEN you should...)
TWO SpeechPages focus on PERSONAL LIFE SITUATION Topics
(i.e. IF... The garbage bag rips open, THEN you should...)
With proper direction, these SpeechPages are designed to be used to encourage functional critical thinking and problem solving to assist in the development of real daily life skills. The clinician leads the discussion with the illustrations on the SpeechPage assisting the client in understanding the problems and choices for solutions. The age and ability level of the client must be considered for discussion of any possible solutions.
12 Illustrated Scenarios per SpeechPage!
That is a TOTAL of 72 Different Illustrated Problem Solving Situations!
Illustrations help the client to conceptualize the problem situation!
(Note: Not interactive)
*As with ALL SpeechPages: This Product is * HEAT SEALED IN THICK LAMINATE! * 3-Hole Punched For Your Easy Storage! * Colorful and Fun Illustrations! * Written AND ILLUSTRATED by an SLP with OVER 25 Years Of Experience working with students AND adults!*